ISSN : 2582-1962
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The Changing Dynamics of The Tourist Guidance Profession After Covid-19
Name of Author :
Asli Sultan Eren & Melike Sak & Gül Erkol Bayram
The tourism guidance profession has a great importance in the tourism sector. Tourist guides are people who promote their country by providing information to tourists about the regions and destinations visited and have an important role in increasing tourism income (Erkol Bayram, 2019: 59). The tourism guidance profession, which is of great importance in the tourism sector, is rapidly affected by the changes in tourism. The tourism sector is a sector that is affected by the developments and changes in the world and keeps pace with these changes. The Covid-19 epidemic, whose impact has surrounded the world nowadays, has led to changes and some innovations as a result of these changes. The tourism guidance profession, which has a very important role in the tourism sector, was also affected by this epidemic, and as a result of this situation, some new dynamics have emerged in the tourism guidance profession. In this section, the changes in the tourism guidance profession after the Covid-19 outbreak and the dynamics resulting from these changes are discussed. With the Covid-19 outbreak, many measures have been taken in the tourist guiding profession. At the beginning of the measures, tourist guides should pay attention to mask, hygiene and social distance rules. However, they are required to get information about the participants in advance and check. They should get information about whether they have Covid-19 or a chronic illness in the last 14 days. And tourist guides are required to inform all visitors about the use of masks during the tour. It is necessary to pay attention to the use of gloves and to protect hand hygiene in the destinations or other areas. The guides keep themselves and tourists away from crowded areas and ensure that hygiene rules are followed from the beginning to the last moment of the tour (
Keywords :
Changing Dynamics, Tourist Guidance Profession, Covid-19