ISSN : 2582-1962
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Articulating Aloud: Representation of Indigenous Voices in the Select Poems of Jacinta Kerkatta
Name of Author :
Dr. Chitra Thrivikraman Nair
It is a well-known fact that the contemporary world is characterised by the existence of people affiliated to diverse socio- cultural, religious, ethnic and racial groups. Against the larger social cultural Indian milieu, the sad reality remains that despite the tall claims of secularism, liberty equality and fraternity, gross violation of human rights of those belonging to the marginalised ethnic and cultural groups are on the increase. The issues of Identity of the indigenous cultures with their strikingly varied, yet specific socio-cultural customs, values, beliefs and patterns are brought into conflict following their interface with the mainstream ethos which fail to recognise their distinctiveness. The trials and tribulations of those belonging to the Tribal and Indigenous communities have attracted the attention of many a writer in the contemporary literary scenario. In recent times, there are a number of literary texts spanning across states and genres which set down to represent the lives of the tribals and their existential angst. A tribal or an adivasi is best understood in terms of their association with the nature around and their strong oral culture, as both are intrinsic parts of their being. But now their identities are reconstructed and redefined in relation to the majoritarian socio-cultural, political matrix. The research article titled Articulating Aloud: Representation of Indigenous Voices in the Select Poems of Jacinta Kerkatta tries to scope out as to how these indigenous communities are forced to remain as mute spectators of the challenges faced by them in terms of ecological vulnerability and despacing of these people from their own lands under the pretext of progress and development.
Keywords :
Articulating Aloud, Indigenous Voices, Jacinta Kerkatta