ISSN : 2582-1962
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Migration of people from Rural to Urban a study of Telangana
Name of Author :
Dr. Rupavath Chandru
Rural to Urban migration is a common phenomenon. People migrate to cities in search of improved livelihood. Extent literature states that prominent reasons for migration include failure of agriculture, low productivity, unemployment opportunities and excessive debt burdens and also due to better employment opportunity, industrialization and urbanization and better wages. Hence, migration in broader term can be treated as a livelihood coping mechanism to alleviate out of poverty situation. Many people who migrate to cities settle down working in the construction industry where opportunities are abundant. These workers get engaged in the activity in the unorganized/informal construction sector where the living conditions are awful. They basically live under the roof at the working site with tarpaulin sheet partitioned and do not have proper sanitary conditions. Once the activity at one location is completed, they move on to other location. After working for few years, these workers attain the skills and develop networking with people around, and start their own business activity instead of working under a contractor. The most important antecedent of the real efforts to set up a business venture is the intention to create it. Creating Business venture, in turn, is perceived as one of the drivers of economic development in the country, as it creates new jobs, promotes wealth generation and innovation, increases competition, enhances consumers’ choice and also raises opportunity for exports. Newline several researchers have worked on various models for explaining the entrepreneurial intentions such as Significant research and publications exist on the study of entrepreneurial intentions on the students in the universities and colleges. However, no literature is available on the entrepreneurial intentions of the construction workers. Newline In view of this, the present study was conducted on the people who have migrated from the villages of Telangana to Hyderabad city and migration.
Keywords :
Migration, people, Rural, Urban, Telangana