ISSN : 2582-1962
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Exploring Students Conversation Types through WhatsApp amid Covid19
Name of Author :
Muhammad Taufik & Irmayana.S
This study examines the uses of WhatsApp groups in the context of education. It discusses utilities and burdens related to WhatsApp groups in education. The aim to this research is to describe the types of directive speech acts of students in non-formal conversations through the WhatsApp application amid Covid-19 pandemic and to know the factors of student directive speech acts in non-formal conversations through the WhatsApp application in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. This researcher used a qualitative research method. The source of data collection was obtained from students? speech during the WhatsApp video call application. Data analysis techniques consist of (a) data collection, (b) data reduction, (c) data presentation, (d) analyzing and identifying data results.The results showed that the types of directive speech used by students majoring in English, Faculty of Letters and Humanities included: 1) types of questions found 14 examples of speech, 2) types of requestives found 2 examples of speech, 3) types of prohibitions found 2 examples of speech, 4) the requestiment type finds 2 examples of speech, and 5) the advisory type finds 3 examples of speech. The directive speech act factors found in this study include: 1) factors of speakers and opponents of speech found 3 examples of speech, 2) context factors of speech found 2 examples of speech, 3) factors of speech objectives found 3 examples of speech, 4) factors of speech in the form of action activities. speech found 2 examples of speech, and 5) the factor of speech as a product of verbal action found 2 examples of speech.
Keywords :
Directive speech act, Conversation, WhatsApp and Directive Speech