ISSN : 2582-1962
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The Implementation of Supervision of Madrasah Principal in Developing A Guidance and Counseling Program
Name of Author :
Wardatus Sholehah & Ali Nurhadi & Abdul Wafi
The results of this study indicate that: 1) The implementation of the supervision of the madrasah principal in developing the guidance and counseling program has been well implemented and can help, guide, and provide direction to BK teachers in compiling and developing guidance and counseling programs. The steps are carried out in several steps, including preparing a schedule and supervision instrument, notifying the BK teacher who will be supervised, carrying out supervision to the BK teacher by checking the program and monitoring its implementation, and evaluating or assessing the BK program. The technique used in the implementation of the supervision of the madrasah principal is individual and group techniques. Meanwhile, the approach to the supervision of the head of the madrasah is a direct and indirect approach. 2) Factors supporting the implementation of the supervision of the madrasah Principal in developing guidance and counseling programs are cooperation and support from all parties in the school, the existence of a program or supervision schedule, and BK tools in the form of programs and RPL. While the inhibiting factor is the existence of an agenda or schedule for the madrasa principal that coincides with the schedule for the implementation of supervision for BK teachers so that supervision can be delayed. 3) The solution to overcome obstacles in implementing the supervision of the madrasa principal in developing a counseling guidance program is to arrange or change the supervision schedule to another time and coordinate with the BK teacher so that supervision can still be carried out.
Keywords :
Supervision of Madrasah Principals, Guidance and Counseling Programs