ISSN : 2582-1962
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Value Education in Performing Arts: A Study of Values Imbibed in the Disciple by the Guru
Name of Author :
Saish S. Nayak Dalal
Indian Classical Music is the store house of knowledge, may it be the North Indian classical or the South Indian Classical music. Thought the regional differences have created a tiny barrier in the learning of the music, the aspects of knowledge, style, values and pedagogy remain same throughout. The music teachings in the earlier times took place in „Gurukul? setting. The pupil had to stay with the Guru and learn the music until the Guru permitted him to leave or perform in audience. In the time he spent in the Ashram of his Guru, the pupil has to abide by various rules and procedures which he had to follow unquestioned and undoubtedly. That was the way one could learn the art of music or to play any instrument. As the time passed this system of living in Guru?s Ashram has changed and the idea of class has started where in now learning music is a one hour a day for 3 times in a week activity. Even then there are instances of Guru?s who still conduct teaching of music in an old-fashioned way. And this is very much in congruence to the earlier system of learning. This paper is a retrospective cum self introspective report of my experiences of being a disciple of the percussion instrument „TABLA? for last 18 years and the values it has imparted in me.
Keywords :
Value Education, Performing Arts, Guru and Disciple