ISSN : 2582-1962
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Special Issue
Ethical Values of Ramayana: The Epicentre of Universal Religion
Name of Author :
Dr. Partha Naskar & Mr. Arajit Kumar Das
In the present era amidst waves of challenges of urbanization, industrialization, globalization and mechanization the essence of human values and potentials have gradually started reaching the doorway towards degradation and erosion. Therefore it is quite imperative to embrace the golden ideals of greatest epic of all times – the Ramayana prescribing the glorified life-line guidelines for all generations of this global hemisphere. This paper examines the core philosophical principles and practices enshrined in the epic Ramayana as a life-line regulator mechanism to be used to create unity in diversity, between people of diverse races, genders and ethnicities. The study unfolds the graceful journey of Ramayana in the pathway of life-mission in search of good-conduct, good-heart, goodwill, good-words and a good-world worth living it. The paper focuses on the broad aspects of moral ideals of human life- the goal of human life, the blend of civilization and culture giving a holistic approach to life, the root of philosophy and ethics blending happiness and truth, the timeless treasure of dharma and morality, prosperity of kingdom, share of the public in the state affairs, many sided nature of sacrifices, ideal of womanhood, family crisis and its solution and its universal value and appeal. The overall approach of the study is theoretical and the paper makes an effort to reach out the relevance of ethical doctrines of Ramayana which would enable people to improve their well-being, alleviate distress and maladjustments, resolve crises, and increase their ability to function better in their lives.
Keywords :
Ramayana, Life, Human, Management, Organisation