ISSN : 2582-1962
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Representation of Motherhood in Flora Nwapa’s Idu
Name of Author :
A Ashmi
Throughout the world, African literature is prevalent among the critics and the readers. There has been a tremendous change in the African literary scenario with the growth of the black women writers. Women writers like Flora Nwapa, Buchi Emecheta, Bessie head, Adichie dealt with the theme of subversion of the women in African society. Flora Nwapa is one of the revolutionary and foremost voices in African literature. Her works focuses on womens empowerment. All her novels are entrenched in humanitarian themes examining issues of gender inequality, marriage, womanhood, motherhood, barrenness, polygamy and sexual abuse. Women in Nwapas novel seek love and respect from the community and acknowledgement of the choices they make. As Nwapas novels develop, her women characters become self-reliant, contentious and self-styled. they fight hard to realize themselves. African society demands all married couples to have children especially male child. Women are expected to give birth to child within the first five year of marriage. If not, people in the society will question them and talk behind a persons back. Thus, this article examines the Representation of African motherhood with reference to Flora Nwapas Idu. I have drawn upon Remi Akujobis Motherhood in African Literature and Culture to ground my study. The voices in the novel Idu symbolize the people from the traditional Igbo community. They celebrate and honor the newly married couple and also disclose their concern if the couple does not have children. Hence this article analyzes on the importance of motherhood in African culture especially Igbo with reference to the novel Idu by Nwapa.
Keywords :
Motherhood, Patriarchy, Male Child, Oppression, Polygamy