ISSN : 2582-1962
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Analysis of Teacher Education from the Indian Policy Perspective
Name of Author :
Dr. Md. Afroz Alam
Teachers play vital role in educating society and preparation of such teachers who can transform society is of pivotal value in its formation. For the development of the society, the educators are focusing on the development of the teacher education departments and the curriculum and its alignment with the societal changes. The trend of quality enhancement has been witnessed over the decades across the globe, this movement also prevails in India and the teacher education programs are being accredited with the purpose to produce sufficient number of teachers with high quality of teaching skills. In order to meet the increasing needs for high quality teachers and to delineate the learning path of prospective teachers for the teacher education programs the NEP 2020 has focused on the restructure the teacher education programme and revision of the curriculum. This will result in fulfilling the demand that the future teachers should be equipped with the latest knowledge and pedagogical skills before they enter to teach in the actual classroom setting. Therefore, there is a need to integrate the knowledge to meet the pedagogical demands that empower the teachers to cope with the challenges of the 21st century. Quality and excellence in the education sector is one of the major initiatives of the Government of India in its policy and plans. To achieve the outcome of enhanced quality at all levels of education, Govt. of India has been focusing its attention on quality and excellence in higher education as well as in teacher education. NEP 2020 developed way of looking at quality focuses on the content, context, and relevance and perspectives of education. In this paper, researcher presented analysis of teacher education from the Indian perspective and examined many resources and cited studies in the light of NEP 2020 to answer the some questions that arose from study of the literature.
Keywords :
Teacher Education, National Education Policy (NEP 2020), New Structure, Quality Education, Teacher Competence, Teacher Empowerment