ISSN : 2582-1962
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Cultural Clash and Colonial Resistance in Chinua Achebes No Longer At Ease
Name of Author :
Amarjit Yadav
No Longer At Ease (1960) is one of Chinua Achebes trilogy novels. Achebe is regarded as one of the dominant figures of modern African literature. This is the second novel of Achebe. This novel continues many of the themes from Achebes first trilogy novel Things Fall Apart. Here, we find the clash between European culture and and traditional culture has become entrenched during the long period of colonial rule. It asserts the story of Obi Okonkwo, a Nigerian man, who struggles to live a faithful life with his culture. It centres on a young mans life, who finds hard to live with his native culture. His journey towards England for education from his village Umuofia creates a sort of conflict, but when he returns to his village, he feels culturally oppressed. This study aims to examine the cultural clash in Chinua Achebe No Longer at Ease which explores the decadence of modern urban environment which is contrasted with the idea of rural piety and stability. The study provides an analysis of various instances which point to this opposition and renders Achebes position of siding with tradition and even manifesting nostalgia for the past. The conclusion is that the novel can be seen as a display of the conflict between the desire to retain traditional values and the recognition that change and assimilation are absolutely necessary for survival.
Keywords :
Cultural Clash, Colonial Resistance, Traditional Values and Recognition