ISSN : 2582-1962
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Special Issue
The Magnanimous Caregivers: Reading Convergence: Courage in a Crisis
Name of Author :
Jessita Mary Anil
The recent years have witnessed a whirlwind of emotions and events that shook the world. Public health emergencies are quite stressful for people, and the fear, anxiety and the lack of knowledge about an emerging disease only worsens the scenario. Covid-19 pandemic has wrought misery and the efforts to check it has spread and intensified the age old vectors of discrimination and vulnerabilities defined by race, gender, ethnicity and other social positions. The documentary film Convergence: Courage in a Crisis, based on coronavirus pandemic, spans nine different stories in eight countries, voices communitys lived experience of the ongoing pandemic. Such crises bring negative interdependence clearly into focus, revealing the gaps and deficiencies in the social arrangement. The paper tries to analyse whether the fear of Covid-19 pandemic is that what makes people go frenzy or is it the attack on the very essence of humanity they fear? The paper endeavours to examine the incalculable nature of sacrifice made by countless caregivers as represented in the documentary and how the positive interdependence of these frontline caregivers, here, people from all levels of society who tried to combat Covid-19 and not just the doctors, became a beacon of hope in times of despair. Thus, it serves as a reminder that individuals too can make a difference in the face of a global crisis.
Keywords :
Covid- 19, Pandemic, Positive Interdependence, Caregivers, Discrimination.