ISSN : 2582-1962
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Special Issue
Apps and Tools to Prevent Gender Based violence
Name of Author :
Mrs. R Meenakshi, Dr. K Sheeba
Living in an era of digitalization, where ICTs & Internet plays a crucial role in managing our lives, it plays a dual role in womens life at least! How? There is always a perception that social media Postings/ write ups creates new spaces for Women & Girls harassment and abuse. What if I told you that with the touch of button one can find help for the survivor of Gender- based violence anywhere in the world? But, latest innovations of mobile Apps offer ways to battle violence against women and this gives more confidence in terms of sheltering girls and women with more security and independence. There are several user friendly apps like Circle of 6 smart, Fight back, Harass map (Egypt), Safe City (India, Nepal) taking to map security threat hot spot. As mobile phones are becoming more common, available even in the remotest part of our country, these handy mobile apps, can offer the needed protection, support, timely help to women and girls across the globe There are many limitations in such mobile apps. As these are available more on Android/ Smart phones, for women and Girls living below the poverty line may not be able to lay their hands on these However, our country is also constantly catching up with new technologies to reach out to more women and girls of lower socio-economic strata by basic SMS services which do not require even an Internet Connection The World Bank Organized a Domestic Violence Hackathon in Central America (2018) and Washington DC during where in 350 hackers put their intelligence skills and brains to crack or tackle the challenge of violence through technology solutions, so that timely help would be provided to affected women and Girls. Circle of 6 was developed as part of the White Houses apps against abuse- Technology • What is the status of such mobile Apps in India? • Will there be a day when no such Apps are required to prove Swamy Vivekanandas Quote on Women? • Is India ready to provide this handy safe tool to be held in the palms of women and girls where they are worshipped to protect others. • Will the social posts like #me too-#Times up movements which share or project experiences of sexual harassments create a raise awareness to change the perception and attitude towards balancing the gender based violence?
Keywords :
Gender Based Violence (GBV), Violence Against Women and Girls ( VAWG ), Sustainable Development Goals, Female Mobile for Development ( M4D), cyber violence, Gender Discrimination