ISSN : 2582-1962
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Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown as a Dream-Work: a Freudian Perspective
Name of Author :
Dr. D Bobby, Ms. V A Bavana
The aim of this research paper is to validate the feasibility of applying Sigmund Freuds principles of the Dream-Work in analyzing Nathaniel Hawthornes short story Young Goodman Brown. The context of the story makes it ideal for subjecting it to Freudian analysis. Set against a Puritan background, the superstitions and knowledge of the dark arts as evidenced by the utterances of the characters therein, indicate the fact that many more unexcavated insights can be discovered in this American writers representation of the woes, fears and joys of his times than what has been already ascertained in contemporary analyses. The trepidations of a bygone age in American history cannot be overlooked exclusively in the context of the mass hysteria it evoked amongst the Puritan community. As an exemplary literary work, Young Goodman Brown lends itself to manifold interpretations. On account of its richly symbolic features, this short story gives readers profound moments for reflection as far as the spirit of a particular epoch in Americas Puritan history is concerned. It was a time when men and women trembled with awe at the mere mention of supernatural forces. Hence there is no better tribute one can provide for this short story than by placing it under the critiquing lens of scholarly analysis.
Keywords :
Dream, Puritan, Representation, Freudian, Superstitions