ISSN : 2582-1962
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Special Issue
Struggle for the Survival in the Fault in our Stars
Name of Author :
Mantha Padmabandhavi Prakashrao
Man is a mortal being and it is a primary truth. Day by day, mortality rate has been escalating either through natural and expected deaths or through aberrant deaths. The present social situation witnesses the greater number of deaths occurring due to new born diseases such as Cancer. John Greens The Fault in our Stars is a heart stirring and bittersweet account of the young cancer patients, Augustus and Hazel. The struggle for existence of the cancer affected youth; their psychology and sympathetic approach of the society towards their disabilities are worth mentioning. The Social responsibility towards diseased persons, the moral support of the support groups and role of the parents of the diseased has been alluded by the author. Moreover, the positive approach of doctors and the hospital staff, is very crucial for making the short lives of cancer prone youth feel fine and protected. The financial problem is one of the worst factors which enhance the stress and strain of the diseased and their parents. The social support groups and the rich can extend their helping hand by providing moral and monetary support to the cancer prone youth with weak financial status. The moral and mental support to overcome the complex, nervousness and stress is a challenging task for the doctors as well as the parents of the cancer prone youth.
Keywords :
Mortality, Diseases, Survival, Psychology, Frustration, Responsibility, Support Groups