ISSN : 2582-1962
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Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability: A Study of Kathy Jetnil Kijiners Dear Matafele Peinem
Name of Author :
SK Benazir
Climate change is considered as one of the major global challenges of the 21st Century. It is mainly caused due to global warming and adversely impacts health, including increased exposures to heat, poor air quality, extreme weather conditions, altered vector-borne disease transmission, and changes in ecology, which results in the displacement of population, family disruption, and violence, and also causes major adverse impacts upon water quality and its availability, food security, and public health. This paper attempts to study how the plight of human beings at the onslaught of climate crisis finds a representative voice in literature, taking into account Poem to My Daughter by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner. Through these literary pieces, by portraying the real incidents and the conditions endured by people, the climate change activists try to bring the crisis at the global front and also help offer a solution in keeping with the sustainable laws. These people are an integral part of the climate change dialogue not only because of their dependence on natural resources for their livelihood, but also because of their disproportionate vulnerability to the threats posed by climate change and how it is only through empowering them as agents of social change, taking up sustainable development goals it is possible to help improve mitigation and adaptation policy interventions.
Keywords :
Climate change, environment, literature, people, SDG (sustainable development goals)