ISSN : 2582-1962
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Evolving Trends in the Translation Process: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective
Name of Author :
Dr Umesh Kumar Gupta
In the contemporary era, technology has woven its influence into every facet of human existence. Even the art of translation, a bridge for cross-cultural communication, has been significantly touched by the embrace of technological advancements. The study entitled Evolving Trends in the Translation Process: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective delves into the dynamic evolution of translation methodologies and practices across time. This study explores the transformation of the translation process from traditional manual techniques to the contemporary landscape shaped by advanced technologies. By examining historical precedents and modern advancements, the paper sheds light on the profound impact of technological innovation on translation efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility. The results of the study highlight that the translation process has evolved from a laborintensive manual endeavor to a technologydriven, efficient, and interconnected practice. The present process benefits from advanced tools, improved quality control measures, and a globalized landscape that promotes cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. The translation process has undergone a remarkable evolution: transitioning from manual techniques to the widespread integration of Technological Tools, from being a solitary endeavor to embracing global connectivity, from limited quality control methods to a plethora of sophisticated tools, from paper-based processes to diverse approaches to terminology management, from resource constraints to an abundance of available resources, from the traditional quality,quantity mindset to a paradigm shift to balanced approach for quality and large quantity, from limited Feedback and Collaboration opportunities to a progressive evolution, from confined content accessibility to truly global scope, and from manual translation to the sophisticated realm of post-editing machine translations, and facilitated by the adept use of CAT and AI tools. The paper underscores the importance of understanding historical contexts while embracing cutting-edge tools to optimize translation processes in the present day. Ultimately, this research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of how the translation process has evolved, adapted, and revolutionized its role in bridging linguistic and cultural gaps across different eras.
Keywords :
Translation, Translation Process, Translation Technologies, Evolution, PostEditing