ISSN : 2582-1962
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Abdulrazak Gurnahs By the Sea: Colonialisms Expansion and Its Effects on African Society
Name of Author :
P. Monisha, Dr. C.S. Robinson
The effects of being ruled and subjugated to slavery for centuries have unquestionably caused psychological anguish among Africans. The common traits among the colonized Africans are the sensations of dislocation, selfdoubt, and loss of freedom. In bringing out the graphic realities of the British colonies, the German invasion, and the Arab assault, Abdulrazak Gurnah became the voice for the voiceless, particularly for the people of East Africa. Africans battled the three largest colonies for independence during the Zanzibar Revolution, which was significant historically for the independence of Africa. With its diverse cultures, traditions, and wealth of natural resources, Africa is a wealthy continent that might be said to be Earths Elysium. The colonies tore the country apart beyond what anyone could have imagined, causing an indescribable trauma that affected the populace permanently. Gurnah’s works accurately depict such things so that the reader can visualize what it would be like to be a slave in ones own country. The author has a legitimate justification for highlighting the actual events that took place on the continent during colonial control because he is an immigrant. He received recognition for the sincerity of his works and received the Nobel prize in 2021 for his work Paradise.
Keywords :
Diaspora, Displacement, Disentanglement, Loss of identity