ISSN : 2582-1962
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Special Issue
The New Woman: Sudha Murty and her Mahashweta.
Name of Author :
Mrs. R Sharon Rose
William Ross Wallace, an American poet praises motherhood as the foremost force for change in the world in his famous poem The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World. Literally, the proverb remarks that the mother who raise the child, rules the world. But it does not completely mean that the mother herself rules the world. Instead it means that the mother influences in building a new generation that would rule the world one day. One such an Indian Woman – a mother, a writer, an engineer, a scientist, a philanthropist, a co-founderof Infosys Foundation – is Sudha Murty. Being a woman of many dimensions, she represents hope in a country stripped of vision and commitment to real causes. She expresses herself with simplicity, humor, involvement and compassion in her literary and social life. In her novels, the reader is brought face to face with the real longings , dreams, hopes, fears, disappointments and the traumatic experience that have been encountered by a lot of women. The depiction of the dependency and struggling to survive independently has been explained in the works of Sudha Murty. Mahashweta is an inspiring story of courage and resilience in a world tainted by misconceptions and betrayals. This touching story offers hope and consolation to the victims of the prejudices that rulethe society even in the present days.
Keywords :
New Women, Marriage, In-laws, struggle of Indian Woman, customs, leukoderma, empowerment