ISSN : 2582-1962
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Special Issue
Social and Cultural Problems Faced by LGBT People in the Society: A Comparative Study with Special Focus to India
Name of Author :
Vikram Singh Bhadoriya & Khushboo Sahu
Being gay in India is seen as a social disgrace in Indian culture. It isnt so much that that homosexuality is new to the Indian culture, and has been referred in Indian history. Yet at the same time in 21st century LGBT people group needs to confront social separation. Sexual minorities in India are the survivors of the crimes rooted from hate towards sexuality, of which they are obvious objective who are misused verbally, physically, and socially. LGBT individuals, as individuals from a social minority bunch, are experiencing different types of financial and social shamefulness. The absences of social acknowledgment affect the limit of LGBT individuals to completely get to and make the most of their privileges as residents. They are bound to encounter bigotry, badgering, segregation, and the danger of viciousness because of their sexual status, than those that recognize themselves as hetero. In this article it has been attempted to examine about different social and cultural issues faced by the LGBT People as well as workplace discrimination on the ground of sex. The study also tried to look into the various issues faced by the people of LGBT communities in India and compare it with other countries in the world.
Keywords :
LGBT, Homosexual, Gay