ISSN : 2582-1962
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Traditional Institutions of the Kabui (Rongmei) Nagas of Manipur: A Contemporary Perspective
Name of Author :
Gaishinlu Kamson
Traditional institutions are an important feature of the Kabui Rongmei society living in the northeastern part of India. This is more so in the case of the section of the people still following their indigenous religion. The traditional Kabui Rongmei social system is based on the village and the village in turn is organized on a system where the population is grouped on an age set basis. Each group belongs to certain institution except for the children who are yet to attain puberty. Of the various institutions, the pei or the village council, consisting of the eldest male members, is the most powerful institution in the village. This institution is the highest authority in the village and is responsible for the administration of the village. It also regulates the socio religious life of the community. While not as important as the pei, the male dormitory or khangchu is also an important institution where the customs and traditions of the people are imparted to the young people. These traditions are passed on orally from one generation to the other. Though these institutions are no longer as powerful as they used to be in the olden days, they still play an important role in the lives of the people and serve as instruments for passing the age old traditions and customs of the people from one generation to the other. This paper is a study of their role and function in the modern-day era and examines how they have evolved and adapted to changing needs and circumstances of the Kabui (Rongmei) society.
Keywords :
Kabui Rongmei, Naga, Traditional Institutions, Indigenous Religion