ISSN : 2582-1962
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Mother Tongue Impact on Speaking English at Engineering Level: A Case Study
Name of Author :
Dr. G Veerya Nayak
Speaking English language brings more respect to an individual as it is considered as international language. It is also mandate for everyone to speak in English to communicate around the globe. Most of the MNC’s are recruiting employees based on their communication skills in English. So, it is mandate for engineering students to have good communication skills in English. As we all witness the importance of English language it is a universal language of high prestige and we have to keep lot of time and energy in teaching it as a second language in Indian schools and colleges. The mother tongue is the language we grew up speaking. The language we learn from childhood is different than the language we learn for survival in the competitive world. As India is a multilingual country it has many languages and accents within the country. So it is difficult to use one standard among the Indian students. The different standards and accents of our languages make difficult for the learners to speak in a standard accent. As the learners have their own accent the pronunciation and other aspects of language have impact of mother tongue. The interference of the mother tongue is called Mother Tongue Influence when the effect of mother tongue on English becomes evident. Mother tongue influence changes from place to place.
Keywords :
Engineering Level, Spoken English, International language