ISSN : 2582-1962
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Subaltern: Munshi Premchands Work
Name of Author :
Sumitra Sangwa
Antonio Gramsci coined the term subaltern, meaning of lower social status, to define those members of the working classes in the Soviet Union who are subordinated to the supremacy of the power elite. Farmers, workers, as well as other classes prohibited from exposure to hegemonic power may be labeled subaltern classes. Gramsci used to have a deep fascination with the history of the lower classes of society. Subaltern studies, a postcolonial theory, including critically developed prominence in the last two decades of the 20th century, especially due to globalization in Undeveloped Countries. Subaltern studies derive their strength from Marxism and post structuralism and embrace postcolonial criticism if postcolonial criticism is regarded as a subset of postmodernism. In this paper, we will discuss the work of Indian well-known author Munshi Premchand, whose short stories deal with the subject matters from the perspective of gender subalternity. The term gender subalternity relates to recent studies that portray women as being suppressed both by gender and social supremacy. Although gender studies focus on gender discrimination and the patriarchal power structure, subaltern studies are preoccupied with individuals who have a lower social status. The oppression of women in his stories is rooted in socioeconomic, political, religious, and cultural bias. The majority of the time, patriarchy and other sociocultural factors oppress women equally. They are thus oppressed twice.
Keywords :
Subaltern, Hegemony, Structuralism, Marxism, Patriarchy