ISSN : 2582-1962
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Special Issue
Of Space and Identity- A Critical Analysis of Chandani Lockuges If the Moon Smiled
Name of Author :
Bhaskar Ch Sarkar
In the realm of literature Space is a very vast area as it covers a large variety of spaces. Actually, space is a multidimensional concept. Space here is meant not in literal way but it encompasses various dimensions. The politics of Identity will try to justify the way in which characters are presented, depicted, how they are presented, why they are presented. In If the Moon Smiled Chandani Lockuge represents the story of a girl who has to face terrible experience as she has leave Sri Lanka for Australia. By leaving one space with which she was familiar from her birth she enters another space with new identity and in through this process the narrator, Manthri has been oppressed by religion, patriarchy and migration. In my article I will explore the character of Manthari as well as the incidents that happen with her to identify the problems related to space, identity, patriarchy and migration. After losing identity one has again to rebuild the identity in new land, new background and in new way. This remaking of identity with the change of space is something very difficult to cope with, to manage and to adjust with. Naturally in this process what happens is that ones settled, established life turn to be unsettled. I will use basically the postcolonial theoretical approach to explain these issues.
Keywords :
Migration, Oppression, Patriarchy, Identity, Space.