ISSN : 2582-1962
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Exploring Marquezs Literary Tapestry: Capturing The Pulse of Latin Americas Social Realities
Name of Author :
Riteka Chandra, Dr. Piyush Bala
Gabriel Garcia Marquezs literary works serve as a powerful tool for exploring the multifaceted history of Latin America. Due to the devastating impact of colonialism on the regions native culture, Marquezs language effectively captures the critical historical aspects of Latin America. His search for identity has led him to examine various periods, both pre and post colonization, resulting in historical and cultural issues becoming the primary themes of his writing. These themes include the fiercely fought wars of independence, violent political conflicts, the massacre of banana workers, and the detrimental effects of Hispanic culture on the community. During the early 1900s, a transitional phase from pre-industrialization to modernity was characterized by a series of violent civil wars. As a result, individuals who lived through the period witnessed a plethora of repression, oppression, and horror. The arrival of imperialism further exacerbated these conditions, leading to a complex and often terrifying existence. Marquezs literary works effectively capture the essence of this reality by exploring themes such as solitude, labyrinthine experiences, male dominance, and superstition, among others. This article aims to delve into Marquezs artistic imagination, offering a comprehensive overview of the historical, cultural, and social dimensions of Latin America, with a specific focus on Colombia.
Keywords :
Colonialism, Plagues, Cultural Values, Power of Love, Political Conflicts.