ISSN : 2582-1962
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Challenges in Securing Womens Land Rights in Rural Areas of Birbhum District in West Bengal
Name of Author :
Nazrul Islam
This research paper aims to identify the key challenges faced by rural women in securing and maintaining land rights and to explore the impact of insecure land rights on their livelihoods, economic empowerment, and overall wellbeing. The paper begins by providing an overview of the significance of womens land rights in rural areas, emphasizing the importance of land ownership for rural womens economic stability, social status, and agency. Through a comprehensive literature review and qualitative research methods, the study examines the multifaceted challenges that rural women encounter in their pursuit of land rights. These challenges include genderbased discrimination, limited awareness of legal provisions, cultural norms and biases, lack of access to resources and information, and weak implementation of existing laws and policies. Furthermore, the paper investigates the repercussions of insecure land rights on rural womens livelihoods, economic empowerment, and overall wellbeing. It explores the impact on their ability to access credit and financial services, engage in productive agricultural activities, make longterm investments, and exercise decision making power within their households and communities. The study also examines the interplay between land rights and other dimensions of wellbeing, such as education, health, and social inclusion. Drawing from the findings, the paper highlights the need for targeted interventions and policy reforms to address the identified challenges and secure womens land rights in rural areas. It emphasizes the importance of raising awareness, strengthening legal frameworks, ensuring womens participation in decisionmaking processes, and providing support services and resources to enhance rural womens capacity to assert their land rights. In conclusion, this research paper sheds light on the challenges faced by rural women in securing and maintaining land rights and underscores the significance of addressing these challenges to promote gender equality, empower rural women, and foster sustainable development in rural communities.
Keywords :
Womens Land Rights, Rural, Challenges, Insecure Land Rights, Livelihoods, Economic Empowerment